Don’t download nulled Paid Memberships Pro plugins from unknown websites.
If you are looking for a nulled, cracked or warez version of Paid Memberships Pro to save money, you can avoid the risk by downloading the complete plugin and all Add Ons from GitHub.
Our plugin’s code is not obfuscated, runs on as many sites as you want, and can be customized to fit your project’s needs. We just ask that you follow the GPLv2 guidelines by applying the GPLv2 license to any altered or unaltered version of PMPro that you distribute.
If you download nulled software you may be at risk of infecting your WordPress website.
Paid Memberships Pro 100% Open Source
Paid Memberships Pro has no restrictive license that is removed by downloading a nulled version. A Paid Memberships Pro license key simply enables us to provide paying customers with automatic updates and premium support. You can use Paid Memberships Pro and all of our Add Ons without a license key.
If you want to support the development of Paid Memberships Pro and cannot afford a premium membership, get in touch with us and we’ll see if we can send you a discount code.