Browse the database of various action and filter hooks available in Paid Memberships Pro. Select an action or filter to view detailed information, examples, and related articles with code recipes.

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Filter Hook: Use this hook to change the AJAX  timeout limit from 2000 (2 seconds) to something else when checking and applying discount codes on the Membership Checkout page.

Action Hook: Use this hook to add extra fields to the checkout page or execute custom code immediately after the Billing Address fields.

Action Hook: Use this hook to add extra fields to the checkout page or execute custom code immediately after the Captcha field.

Action Hook: Use this hook to add extra fields to the checkout page or execute custom code immediately after the Email fields.

Action Hook: Use this hook to add custom content below the Membership Checkout page form. The custom content displays inside the div that wraps the checkout page content with selected level ID.

Action Hook: Use this hook to execute custom code immediately after the level cost on the checkout page.

Action Hook: Use this hook to add extra fields to the checkout page or execute custom code immediately after the Password fields.

Action Hook: Use this hook to add extra fields to the checkout page or execute custom code immediately after the Payment Information fields.

Action Hook: Use this hook to add extra fields to the checkout page or execute custom code immediately after the Prcing fields.

Action Hook: Use this hook to output content after the TOS (Terms of Service) on the Membership Checkout page.

Action Hook: Use this hook to add extra fields to the checkout page or execute custom code immediately after the Terms of Service field.

Action Hook: Use this hook to add extra fields to the checkout page or execute custom code immediately after the Username fields.

Action Hook: Use this hook to add extra fields to the checkout page or execute custom code immediately after the User fields.

Action Hook: Use this hook to add extra fields to the checkout page or execute custom code immediately before the Submit button.

Action Hook: Use this hook to add extra fields to the checkout page or execute custom code in the middle of the checkout page.

Filter Hook: This filter controls whether to display and require the “Confirm Email” field at checkout. By default, it’s set to true (show and require field).

Filter Hook: This filter controls whether to display and require the “Confirm Password” field at checkout. By default, it’s set to true (show and require field).

Filter Hook: Whether to use the default submit button or not during checkout. This filter can be used to output a custom submit button in the callback if false is returned.

Filter Hook: Message shown at checkout whether the checkout submission has errors or other information returned from the payment gateway.

Filter Hook: Filter to set if PMPro uses email or text as the type for email field inputs.

Filter Hook: Whether to hide the billing address fields in the checkout form.

Filter Hook: Whether to show or hide the payment information fields during checkout.

Filter Hook: Whether to include the billing address fields on checkout and on the billing page.

Filter Hook: Include the payment information fields on the checkout/billing pages.

Filter Hook: Include PayPal option for payment (default: true) or false for Website Payments Pro.

Filter Hook: This filter is used to determine if the “Membership Level” box, including the level description and pricing information, should show up at checkout. The hook allows you to return true or false to override this behavior.

Filter Hook: Filters the $show_country variable which controls whether to show the “Country” field at checkout. By default this is set to true. If set to false, the country will be “US”.

Action Hook: Add extra list item (<li></li>) elements to the Confirmation and Invoice pages. Passes the MemberOrder attached to that invoice.

Filter Hook: Filters whether or not to use the international address form. By default, this is set to true to allow any form of address.  When set to false, this will display the shortened “US” version.

Filter Hook: Filters the HTML content shown when the submit button is clicked on the checkout page. Passes a text string by default, but can be used to pass new HTML code as well.

Filter Hook: Controls whether to show the CVV field on the billing and checkout pages.

Filter Hook: Controls whether or not to use the international form of the State field. If set to true, state field will become a select menu with a list of US state abbreviations. Use pmpro_states to modify the array of state abbreviations used.

Filter Hook: Run formatting filters before displaying the content of your “Terms of Service” page at checkout. `/** * Hook to run formatting filters before displaying the content of your “Terms of Service” page at checkout. * * @since 2.4.1 * * @param string $pmpro_tos_content The content of the post assigned as the Terms of Service page. (more...)

Filter Hook: This filter is the same as the WordPress core filter. PMPro