Are you using both Paid Memberships Pro and WooCommerce together with PayPal? You might want to redirect the PayPal IPN for PMPro to WooCommerce to ensure no missing payment data is lost. This code recipe will allow you to do that.

Redirect PayPal IPN for PMPro and WooCommerce

About the Code Recipe

If you are using WooCommerce and Paid Memberships Pro. You can set the IPN URL in PayPal to point to the WooCommerce URL and then install this code to make sure PMPro processes IPN requests as well.

This is a useful tooltip for membership sites using the PayPal gateway in Paid Memberships Pro for membership checkout and WooCommerce for other e-commerce sales. In this recipe, we redirect the PayPal IPN for Paid Memberships Pro to WooCommerce. This will allow you to use PayPal in both e-commerce plugins without missing any data about payments.

If you are using another e-commerce plugin that also relies on the PayPal IPN, you should be able to use this guide as well with a subtle adjustment to the code.

The Code Recipe

Adding the Recipe to Your Website

You can add this recipe to your site by creating a custom plugin or using the Code Snippets plugin available for free in the WordPress repository. Read this companion article for step-by-step directions on either method.

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