Stay on top of membership site signups (and your membership site revenues) on a tablet or mobile device using the Responsive Reports Dashboard Add On or via SMS Membership Checkout (text) Messages.

Responsive Reports Dashboard Add On
This streamlined dashboard loads outside of your WordPress admin and pulls in the default reports displayed under Memberships > Reports, plus any additional reports you have added via this method. The included reports can be modified using the pmpro_reports_dashboard_reports
Jason and I use this add on multiple times per day to track signups for our support membership options. We both have saved the direct link to the reports dashboard on our mobile phones. Here are the instructions for adding the report link to your device.
SMS Membership Checkout Messages
The code recipe below sends a short email/text message/sms with each Paid Memberships Pro Membership Checkout (for the specified levels).
Copy and paste this code recipe into a helper PMPro Customizations plugin. Modify line 9 with your mobile email address and line 12 with the level IDs you wish to receive notification for.