The Admin Membership Access feature allows administrators to toggle their view of the site as if they had different membership levels. This feature is integrated into the WordPress admin bar, enabling quick changes without navigating away from the current page.


The pmpro_admin_membership_access_menu_bar function adds a new menu item to the admin bar. This menu item allows administrators to switch between viewing the site with no membership access, with their current membership level access, or as if they had full membership access.

Video: View As Feature Demo

Conditions for Display

  • The menu is only available on the front end of the site for users with admin access.
  • It’s hidden if the site is configured to hide it via the pmpro_hide_admin_membership_access_toolbar filter.
  • Visible only to users with the manage_options capability and if the admin bar is showing.

Changing View Access

The view access can be changed via a dropdown in the admin bar. The available options are:

  • View with membership access: Mimics full membership access.
Screenshot of WordPress admin toolbar viewing with access or as a member
  • View with current membership levels: Maintains the user’s current access based on their membership level. This is the default option.
Screenshot of WordPress admin toolbar viewing with my access
  • View without membership access: Simulates a non-member or visitor access.
Screenshot of WordPress admin toolbar viewing without access or as a non-member

Upon selection, the site refreshes to reflect the chosen access level.


  • Filter: pmpro_hide_admin_membership_access_toolbar allows hiding the menu. Returning true hides the menu.
add_filter( 'pmpro_hide_admin_membership_access_toolbar', '__return_true');
  • User Meta: The function uses the pmpro_admin_membership_access user meta key to store the selected access level.


After integration, the Admin Membership Access menu appears in the WordPress admin bar on the front end. Administrators can select their desired membership view access from the dropdown.

This feature enhances site management by allowing quick switches between different membership views without the need for multiple test accounts or manual adjustments.

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