Set Membership Restrictions for a Page

Paid Memberships Pro adds a “Require Membership” box to your WordPress “Edit Page” screen allowing you to control access for each active membership level (public and hidden).

The logic for determining who has access to page works as follows:

  1. If no levels are checked, the page is available to all users whether they are members or not or logged in or not.
  2. If one level is checked, only users logged in with that membership level will be able to view the page.
  3. If multiple levels are checked, users logged in with any of the checked membership levels will be able to view the page.

If you have multiple “tiered” levels, make sure that your higher tiers are checked on lower tier content. For example if you have a free level with access to some content and a paid level with access to “everything”, make sure that on your “free pages” both the free and paid membership levels are checked.

Message for Non-members and Logged-out Users

When users without the required membership visit a post with level requirements, they will see the non-member or logged-out member message. These messages can be updated from the Memberships > Advanced Settings page.

Screenshot example of a restricted post "no access" message.
Screenshot example of a restricted post “no access” message.

Updating pages in bulk

If you would like to restrict many pages at the same time, this can be done using a MySQL query. It is very important to create a new database backup when you are doing any database work. You can review this post for some guidelines on how to set up a database backup process for your site.

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