The Membership Cancel page shows links for a member to cancel their membership or a link to return to the Membership Account page.

There is a single shortcode or block that will load the appropriate content based on the user’s active memberships.

If the member has more than one active membership level, they will see a list of all active memberships and can optionally cancel a single membership or cancel all memberships.

Membership Cancel Page

Membership Cancel Settings

The page must contain either the membership cancel block or pmpro_cancel shortcode. Either method will display a link to cancel the membership level or return to the Membership Account page. If the user has more than one membership, you can pass the ?level=ID attribute to the cancel page URL to cancel a single level. If you do not pass the level ID in the URL, the user will see a list of all active memberships.

Membership Cancel Block

Redirect Logic

When a site visitor tries to access the Membership Cancel page, they are redirected to the Log In page. After log in, all users will be redirected back to the Membership Cancel page. If the user does not have a membership level, they will be redirected to the Membership Levels page.

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