The system sends a periodic “Membership Site Activity” email that summarizes your membership’s performance for the chosen term: daily, weekly, monthly (or never).

This email is automatically generated by your WordPress site and sent to your Administration Email Address set under Settings > General in your WordPress dashboard.

Adjust the Frequency

To adjust the frequency of this message or disable these emails completely, you can update the “Activity Email Frequency” setting under Memberships > Settings > Advanced Settings. You can use the recipe in this article to send an additional email at a custom interval.

Screenshot of Activity Email Frequency setting under Memberships > Settings > Advanced > Communication Settings
Sample of the Admin Activity Email
Screenshot of a sample Admin Activity Email

Troubleshooting Guide: Receiving Multiple Copies of the Same Admin Activity Email

We have seen a few cases where the administrator is receiving multiple copies of the same activity email. This may be caused by issues with the WP Cron event triggering the email, or it may be that you have other staging or development versions of your website that are sending this email, too.

More specifically, WordPress Network or Multisite environments may see duplicate copies of this email for each site in the network when using the Multisite Membership Add On. There is an open issue about this duplicate email in the Add On’s Github repository here.

The fastest fix until the issue is resolve is to do the following for each site in the network:

  1. Temporarily deactivate the “Paid Memberships Pro – Multisite Membership Add On” Add On on each single subsite from the Plugins screen in the WordPress admin. This will allow you to edit Advanced Settings on the subsite.
  2. Navigate to Memberships > Settings > Advanced Settings on each single subsite.
  3. Change the setting for “Activity Email Frequency” to “Never“.
  4. Save Settings.
  5. Reactivate the “Paid Memberships Pro – Multisite Membership Add On” from the Plugins screen in the WordPress admin.

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