Version 2.10 of Paid Memberships Pro is out. This version includes a Setup Wizard for new sites, the ability to restrict posts by tag, and the release of “Stripe Checkout” and the “Stripe Customer Portal” as options for sites using Stripe.
We have also added better detection for primary site URL changes to help sites prevent unwanted behavior on staging or development sites.
You can update Paid Memberships Pro from the plugins page of your WordPress dashboard or get the latest version of PMPro here.
Read on for the full list of new features and the entire v2.10 changelog.

Setup Wizard for New Sites
New membership sites can now use the Setup Wizard to quickly set up PMPro and begin accepting new member registrations within minutes. The wizard performs the key setup steps for Paid Memberships Pro, including setting up your first free and paid level (both optional) and reviewing advanced settings related to content filters and spam protection.

Detecting Primary URL Changes
Paid Memberships Pro v2.10+ includes a new feature to detect if the primary URL of your site has changed. When the plugin detects a change, automated services such as WP-CRON
are automatically disabled.

There are some weird edge cases where the notice may appear for sites who were testing out a pre-release of this feature in Paid Memberships Pro. If you see the notice and are confident that your site URL has not changed (the site URL matches the URL output in the notice), you can safely click the button to resume all services and the notice should not return.
Enhanced Protections Around Deleting Data
v2.10 also added clearer warnings and a few forced admin interactions to confirm changes before we make a update that could trigger unwanted changes. These safeguards include:
- Deleting Membership Levels: This update changes what happens when you delete a level from the Memberships > Settings > Levels screen.
- We no longer cancel all of the subscriptions (at the gateway) associated with a membership level upon deleting it.
- Instead, you should cancel members individually, before deleting the level.
- Deleting a User: This update changes what happens when you delete a user from the Users screen in the WordPress admin.
- In previous versions, we showed a warning message that the member’s subscription would be canceled at the gateway, and that their membership would be canceled on the site.
- Some people overlook this message.
- This update adds a checkbox that the admin must confirm to also cancel active subscriptions and delete member history for that user.
Stripe Gateway: Offsite Checkout, More Payment Methods, Customer Portal
v2.8 of Paid Memberships Pro added Stripe Checkout as a “beta” gateway option. In v2.10, this gateway option is completely out of beta and now available to any site using Paid Memberships Pro.

Stripe Checkout is a Stripe-hosted, prebuilt payment page that simplifies the process of collecting payments from users.
In addition to accepting credit card payments, Stripe Checkout also gives users the option to use other payment methods, such as bank debits, as well as Stripe Link.
Stripe Checkout integrates with Stripe Tax to calculate sales tax, VAT, and GST during the payment step. For business owners, this service simplifies the process of filing and remitting taxes.
For Billing Information updates, our Stripe gateway now includes the option to use the Stripe Customer Portal. This portal redirects active members to update their billing info directly in Stripe. The Stripe Customer Portal is a Stripe-hosted page that allows users to see active subscriptions, update billing and tax ID information, and view or download previous invoices (does not include one-time payments). In order to use this feature, you must first enable it in Stripe.
Learn more about using Stripe Checkout for your membership site in the documentation here.
Stripe Gateway: Webhook Status Report
We also added a Webhook Status report on the Stripe gateway settings page. This report gives sites confidence that they have properly configured the Stripe gateway. It will also help sites identify where to look if there is an issue with processing data from the gateway.

Protecting Content by Tag
Paid Memberships Pro always included a way to protect content by post category. With v2.10, you can now also protect content by post “Tag”.
To protect a tag, navigate to Posts > Tags in the WordPress admin. Select a term to edit and adjust the “Require Membership” setting.

Full Changelog for v2.10
- FEATURE: Added Setup Wizard
- FEATURE: Fully released Stripe Checkout and Stripe Customer Portal integrations. Increased Stripe fee to 2% for newly connected sites.
- ENHANCEMENT: Now “pausing” some PMPro functionality when the site URL changes.
- ENHANCEMENT: Restrict categories and tags by level directly from their respective settings pages.
- ENHANCEMENT: Updated Stripe webhook checker to check each event type separately.
- ENHANCEMENT: Admins will now be given the choice to delete a user’s membership history when deleting a user.
- ENHANCEMENT: Stripe Checkout now creates Invoices for one-time payments.
- ENHANCEMENT: Updated Stripe library to version 10.0.
- ENHANCEMENT: Excluding more dev/staging-related subdomains and TLDs from Wisdom tracking.
- ENHANCEMENT: Added the add class attribute to the “rate us” notice in the footer of PMPro pages. You can use this to hide the notice.
- BUG FIX/ENHANCEMENT: WordPress users will now be created before payments are charged at checkout.
- BUG FIX/ENHANCEMENT: No longer cancelling subscriptions for users with a membership level when the level is deleted.
- BUG FIX/ENHANCEMENT: Removed the “What’s This?” text from the CVV field.
- BUG FIX/ENHANCEMENT: Fixed error thrown if all
were unset. - BUG FIX/ENHANCEMENT: Fixed localization issues with the Members List table in the dashboard and several other areas.
- BUG FIX/ENHANCEMENT: Fixed issue where usage tracking was disabled, even if you clicked the “allow” button in the notice. Double check that this is set how you would like at Memberships > Settings > Advanced Settings > Enable Tracking.
- BUG FIX: Fixed issue where “Visits, Views, and Logins” report may not show up on some setups.
- BUG FIX: Fixed issue where invoice emails were not sending due to issues with the
function. - BUG FIX: Fix for fatal error on site health check page if login/password is required for ftp account. (Thanks, @freax on GitHub)
- REFACTOR: Deprecating CyberSource and PayPal Website Payments Pro gateways.
- REFACTOR: Marking “trial ending” cron as deprecated.
- REFACTOR: Removed the ability to direct access the scripts in the
directories. Only the getfile.php script can be accessed this way when activated.