If your site does not charge for membership, use the code recipe and directions below to remove all mention of “cost” from the user experience.Banner for Advanced Code Recipe Tutorial for Paid Memberships Pro

The Code Recipe

Copy and paste this code recipe into a helper PMPro Customizations plugin. Update line 4 with the ID of your membership level. This recipe assumes you have a single level of membership.

More than one (no charge) membership level?

Just remove the line 4. You will then need to customize your membership levels page to hide the “price”. The easiest way to remove this is to use the Advanced Levels Page Shortcode, setting the “price” attribute of the shortcode to “hide”.

[pmpro_advanced_levels price="hide"]

You can also use this CSS to hide the price on the Memberships Levels page. Just add the CSS to your theme’s stylesheet or a PMPro Customizations stylesheet.

#pmpro_levels_table thead th:nth-child(2), #pmpro_levels_table tbody td:nth-child(2) {display: none; }

Edits to your Membership Account Page

On the membership account page, replace the shortcode [pmpro_account] with this modified shortcode:

[pmpro_account sections="profile,links"]

Free Course: Membership Site Development—The Basics

Develop a deeper understanding of membership site development in this beginner-level course. Learn how to make your site work better, save yourself time and money, and improve your site's performance.

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