Paid Memberships Pro displays in U.S. English (en_US) by default, but our plugin has the capability to be used in any language.

In this post, we talk about the languages included in Paid Memberships Pro, how to translate PMPro into your language, how to change your WordPress language, and more.

PMPro in Your Language Banner Image

Translations Included in Paid Memberships Pro

Note that the list of languages below account for the individual language files included in the plugin and may not be 100% translated. Please refer to the GlotPress Profile Page for Paid Memberships Pro for more information on translation completeness.

  • Catalan: ca
  • Catalan (Andorra): ca_AD
  • Catalan (Spain): ca_ES
  • Chinese (Hong Kong): zh_HK
  • Czech: cs_CZ
  • Danish: da_DK
  • Dutch (Nederlands): nl_NL
  • English (UK): en_GB
  • English (South Africa): en_SA
  • English: en_US
  • Estonian: et_EE
  • Finnish: fi
  • French (France): fr_FR
  • German: de_DE
  • German (Formal): de_DE_formal
  • Greek: el_GR
  • Hebrew : he_IL
  • Italian: it_IT
  • Norwegian (Bokmål): nb_NO
  • Persian: fa_IR
  • Portuguese (Brazil): pt_BR
  • Portuguese (Portugal): pt_PT
  • Russian: ru_RU
  • Serbian: sr_RS
  • Slovak: sk_SK
  • Spanish (Chile): es_CL
  • Spanish (Spain): es_ES
  • Spanish (Peru): es_PE
  • Swedish: sv_SE
  • Turkish: tr_TR
  • Vietnamese (Vietnam): vi

Translate Into Your Language Using GlotPress

You can use and translate Paid Memberships Pro into your own language using a WordPress Project called GlotPress. This project allows you to easily submit suggestions for “string” translations (fancy name for sentences) and all you need to get started is a account, which is free.

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How to Use GlotPress

  1. Log in to

    Create or login to your profile.

  2. Locate Paid Memberships Pro in GlotPress

    Navigate to the Paid Memberships Pro GlotPress Profile Page.

  3. Select Your Language

    Select your language from the table provided, you will also notice how close to completion the translation is by its color and percentage.Translate Paid Memberships Pro using the GlotPress Project

  4. Select the Development/Stable Release Set

    You must choose a “Set/Sub Project” that you want to contribute your translation to. Usually, it will be the Development and the Stable Release set.Select a "Set" that you want to contribute to.

  5. Find the string(s) that you want to translate.

    Double click in the empty translation field to add your translation. You will notice that a text area will now open up for you. Write out your translation. Once done, click on the “Suggest new Translation” button. Note – be sure to include any special characters that may be present in the original translation like for example %sFind the string(s) that you want to translate in Paid Memberships Pro via GlotPress

  6. Submit Your Changes

    Once finished, submit your translations to the editor. Your translations will now be approved or rejected by a translation editor.

How to Change Your WordPress (and Paid Memberships Pro) Language

The WordPress Codex has an excellent guide on how to set your WordPress language. See that guide here: This will update both your WordPress and Paid Memberships Pro to use the specified language.

Not all of our translations have included the member email body text (only the German Translation is currently provided), but you can modify any email in your membership site to use your language from the Memberships > Settings > Email Templates page in the WordPress admin.

Translating Membership Level Information

Membership level information (including the name, description, and confirmation message) needs special consideration if you want to display your site’s content in multiple languages. This article demonstrates how to translate level information for each of your site’s offered languages. You can use this method in conjunction with WPML for multilingual sites.

How to Contribute a New Translation

The best way to contribute a translation is through GlotPress. Head on over to our GlotPress translations page here to get started. You’ll need to create a free user account to get started.

You can use GlotPress to translate the core PMPro plugin as well as any of our other plugins hosted in See the full list of plugins available for translation that we are authors of here. Some top plugins we’d love translations for include:

If you would like to start a new translation not listed here, check out the PMPro languages documentation to learn how to create a new translation by preparing new localization files.

Our only request: If you do contribute a new translation and localize Paid Memberships Pro, please contribute your work back to the Plugin community under the GPLv2 license. 🙏

You can submit your new translation files via a pull request on our GitHub Repository or send an email via our Contact Form and we will coordinate with you to obtain the translation files.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I change my WordPress (and PMPro) language?

Follow the guide on the WordPress Codex: Installing WordPress in Your Language. This will update both WordPress and Paid Memberships Pro to the specified language.

How can I translate membership level information?

Membership level information (name, description, confirmation message) requires special consideration for multilingual sites. Use WPML in conjunction with PMPro to translate level information for each offered language.

How do I use the translations in email templates?

Not all translations include member email body text. You can modify email templates to use your language from the Memberships > Settings > Email Templates page in the WordPress admin.

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