WordPress now offers a translation dashboard through which you can more easily contribute plugin translations. Learn how to contribute to an existing translation or create a new translation here. This is the preferred translation method for any plugin available in the WordPress.org repository.

If you prefer to edit or create translation files on your own or are working on translation files for an Add On, please follow the steps in this guide to create a new translation.

Edit an Existing Translation or Create a New One

Translations files can be edited manually or via command line, but the easiest way is to use Poedit.

  1. To edit an existing translation, load the existing .po file.
  2. To create a new translation, load the plugin’s primary translation .pot file located in /wp-content/plugins/pmpro-plugin-name/languages/. Save a copy of this file for the language you are translating to. The file name should follow this structure: “plugin-name-(language code)_(country code).po”. (ex. “paid-memberships-pro-es_ES.po” for Spanish). View Language Codes and Country Codes.
  3. Translate all the strings. Poedit provides a simple UI for translating strings. Just click on the string you want to translate and enter your translated text in the “Translation here” box.
  4. Save the file (Poedit automatically creates a “.mo” file – containing your translated strings).

Editing or Creating Other Template Files Specific to PMPro

  1. Some plugins also use .html email templates for email actions done by the plugin. You can find a list of these email templates for the core PMPro plugin here.
  2. Open the existing directory for your locale name in the /wp-content/plugins/pmpro-plugin-name/languages/ folder. If there is no folder for your locale, create a new directory using your locale name in the same folder. Copy the email templates into your directory.
  3. Translate the templates.
  4. Save the files.

Upload Your Translation File (and contribute it to the community!)

  1. Upload your edited or new translation file and other template directories to your site’s /wp-content/plugins/pmpro-plugin-name/languages/ folder. If this folder doesn’t exist, you can create it.
  2. If you’re familiar with Github, you can also do a Pull Request on the specific plugin you have updated. For example, Pull Requests for the main PMPro plugin can be submitted here.
  3. Or, you can send a zip containing the translation file (.po and .mo) and email templates to [email protected] for inclusion in the plugin (Thank you!).

Change Your WordPress Language

This guide in the WordPress Codex will instruct you on how to change the default language of your WordPress site.

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