Browse the database of various action and filter hooks available in Paid Memberships Pro. Select an action or filter to view detailed information, examples, and related articles with code recipes.
Show Action and Filter Hooks in:
Filter Hook: This filters how many days before expiration PMPro should send expiration warning emails. The default is 7 days.
Filter Hook: Send a trial expiration email within a time period before the trial ends.
Action Hook: Action to execute custom code for a specific user ID and membership level after the expiration cron event has run.
Action Hook: Action to execute custom code for a specific user ID and membership level before the expiration cron event has run.
Filter Hook: Controls whether or not to send members a credit card expiring soon email. Passes the boolean true or false and the user ID.
Filter Hook: Controls whether or not to send membership level expiration emails. Passes the boolean true or false and the user ID.
Filter Hook: Controls whether or not to send membership level expiration warning emails. Passes the boolean true or false and the user ID.
Filter Hook: Controls whether or not to send membership level trial ending emails. Passes the boolean true or false and the user ID.