In Paid Memberships Pro, default email notifications are sent to the member and the admin email address defined in your WordPress site’s Settings > General. However, you may want to BCC additional addresses for administrative alerts, or even limit BCC notifications to specific membership levels.
This guide provides various ways to customize your member and admin email notifications.

Understanding BCC Notifications in PMPro
Email notifications are essential for membership site management, as they keep both administrators and members informed about key activities. Paid Memberships Pro provides built-in notifications for membership activities such as checkouts, renewals, cancellations, and billing failures. By default, these emails are sent to either the member involved, the site’s administrator email or both.
However, there are cases where you might need more flexibility. For example, you may want to alert additional staff members about key membership activities or notify specific team members only when paid memberships are involved. This is where custom BCC (blind carbon copy) notifications come in handy. With the code recipes below, you’ll learn how to expand the reach of these emails by automatically BCC’ing additional recipients or setting up level-specific notifications.
BCC Additional Email Addresses
Admin Emails
The recipe will send a copy of all admin emails to the additional address specified. Edit line 23 of the recipe to the appropriate email address you want to send notifications to. This includes the following email templates:
- admin_change_admin.html
- billing_admin.html
- billing_failure_admin.html
- cancel_admin.html
- checkout_check_admin.html
- checkout_express_admin.html
- checkout_free_admin.html
- checkout_freetrial_admin.html
- checkout_paid_admin.html
- checkout_trial_admin.html
Member Emails
The following recipe will send a copy of all member emails to the admin or other address specified. This includes the following email templates:
- admin_change.html
- billing.html
- billing_failure.html
- cancel.html
- checkout_check.html
- checkout_express.html
- checkout_free.html
- checkout_freetrial.html
- checkout_paid.html
- checkout_trial.html
- invoice.html
- membership_expired.html
- membership_expiring.html
- trial_ending.html
BCC Admin Notifications Based on Membership Level
For more detailed control, this code allows BCC notifications based on specific membership levels. This is useful if certain levels (e.g., paid memberships) require alerts to additional administrators, while others (like free memberships) do not.
Adding the Recipe to Your Website
You can add this recipe to your site by creating a custom plugin or using the Code Snippets plugin available for free in the WordPress repository. Read this companion article for step-by-step directions on either method.