Browse the database of various action and filter hooks available in Paid Memberships Pro. Select an action or filter to view detailed information, examples, and related articles with code recipes.

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Action Hook: Use this hook to execute custom code after a PMPro order has been added.

Action Hook: Use this hook to execute custom code before a PMPro order has been added.

Action Hook: Use this hook to execute custom code after an order is deleted. It passes the order ID and order object being deleted.

Filter Hook: Filters the discount code object for the code used in this order.

Filter Hook: Filters how random codes are generated for invoices, discount codes, etc. Passes the code and order object.

Filter Hook: Filter to modify the test order data primarily used for sending test email from the Memberships > Settings > Email Templates page in the WordPress admin.

Action Hook: Use this hook to execute custom code after a PMPro order has been updated. This hook returns the MemberOrder object.

Action Hook: Use this hook to execute custom code before updating a PMPro order. This hook returns the MemberOrder object.