Browse the database of various action and filter hooks available in Paid Memberships Pro. Select an action or filter to view detailed information, examples, and related articles with code recipes.

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Filter Hook:

Filter Hook: Use this filter to adjust the fee percentage sent to Stranger Studios for managing the Stripe Connect server. Learn more about Stripe Connect platform fees here.

Filter Hook: This filter is used by PMPro to verify that your site domain is configured in your Stripe account’s Apple Pay settings. Most Stripe accounts will not have more than the default number (10) domains set up in their account. If your Stripe account has more than ten domains configured for Apple Pay, use this filter (more...)

Filter Hook: Filter the parameters used to create the Stripe charge.

Filter Hook: Filter to modify the Stripe customer if it is newly created at membership checkout.

Filter Hook: Filter to modify details in the Stripe plan object created during Membership Checkout.

Filter Hook: Filter the parameters used to create the Stripe plan.

Filter Hook: This hook is triggered during a very small edge case where membership checkout fails for users with an existing membership and we reinstate membership for a 3 day grace period.

Filter Hook: Filter to modify what level ID(s) are to be cancelled when a member purchases a new membership.

Filter Hook: Filters the “description” value passed to the charge on the initial payment in Stripe.

Filter Hook: Filter the parameters used to create the payment intent in Stripe.

Filter Hook: Display the Stripe API Settings (Legacy) section so sites can add manually add their live or test mode Publishable Key and Secret Key. This allows sites to use the API Key method to set up their Stripe payment gateway in Paid Memberships Pro if they are not able to use Stripe Connect in their location (more...)

Filter Hook: Optionally prevent the Payment Request Button price from being automatically updated when fields are changed at checkout.

Filter Hook: Filter to modify the Stripe webhook events that are enabled and required for the Stripe integration.

Filter Hook: This filter is used by PMPro to verify that your Stripe webhook is configured. Most Stripe accounts will not have more than the default number (10) webhooks set up in their account. If your Stripe account has more than ten webhooks, use this filter to increase the number of webhooks to retrieve from your Stripe (more...)