Inspired by media channels like Harvard Business Review and The New York Times, PMPro’s Limit Post Views (LPV) Add On helps you to entice users to subscribe by limiting their access to premium content.
It’s a great addition to your paywall because it shows visitors the value of your content, helps to encourage member signups, and even improves your site’s SEO and search indexing.
In this guide, we created two paywall banner examples just like those huge media channels are using. These code recipes extend LPV by adding a notification banner with a countdown of post views remaining.
The goal is to give users an understanding that they are being given limited access to premium stuff. Plus, to improve conversions by displaying a direct link to subscribe for unlimited access.

About the Limit Post Views Add On
PMPro’s Limit Post Views Add On tracks each visitor’s views using cookies. Through the plugin settings, you can configure the number of free views per custom period for both non-members and different membership levels.
That means that you can provide site visitors one limit of access, and your lower tier members a different limit of access to higher tier premium content.
Once a user reaches their view limit, they are redirected to a designated page, typically the Membership Levels page, to subscribe and keep reading.
The plugin is inspired by the paywalls of popular news sites like Harvard Business Review and The New York Times. Now you can get the same powerful features these huge media channels are using to increase signups.

Code Recipes: Two Paywall Banner Examples
One of the best ways to extend the core logic in LPV is through a custom paywall banner. In the two examples below, we show you how to add a countdown banner. The banners show your site visitors and lower-tier members how many free views remain.
Code Recipe #1: Paywall Countdown Banner Example
This first recipe adds a banner to the bottom of posts that are bypassing your paywall using LPV logic.
- The banner shows the number of remaining free articles for the chosen time period.
- In the screenshot below, the non-member has one free post view remaining this month.
- The banner includes a link to your Log In page and Membership Levels page, so non-members can subscribe.

Code Recipe #1: Views Used and Remaining Paywall Banner Example
In this second recipe, the code adds a banner that shows the number of free views used and remaining.
- The banner shows the total count of free articles and the number they’ve used up.
- In the screenshot below, the non-member has viewed one free post and has two remaining.
- The banner includes a link to your Log In page and Membership Levels page, so non-members can subscribe.

Adding the Recipe to Your Website
You can add this recipe to your site by creating a custom plugin or using the Code Snippets plugin available for free in the WordPress repository. Read this companion article for step-by-step directions on either method.
Wrapping Up: Paywall Banners With PMPro
The Limit Post Views Add On draws inspiration from leading media channels like Harvard Business Review and The New York Times.
By adding the code for these paywall banners, you can communicate that you’re giving people free access to premium stuff. Once they reach the paywall, all they have to do is upgrade.
Use these example code recipes as the starting point to design a paywall banner that fits your site design and messaging. We hope that these features make a significant contribution to your membership site’s bottom line.
Check out the Limit Post Views Add On, included in our Plus membership level along with 29 other premium plugins.