We received a notice from Stripe that they are extending the length of their charge identifier from 17 characters to 27 characters.

This update will not affect your membership site running Paid Memberships Pro. We have confirmed that the database column that stores charge identifiers is already set to allow up to 32 characters.

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About the Stripe Update

You may have received a notice that looks something like the following from a representative at Stripe:

I’m reaching to discuss a minor change we are rolling out which could impact your Stripe account for Paid Memberships Pro.

Today, when your integration makes an API request to create a Charge, its identifier (ch_12345678) has a length of 17 characters. This is specific to your Stripe account as other accounts already use a length of 27 characters instead. The same applies to other objects in the API such as Balance Transactions or Payouts.

— Stripe Support Notice received on May 18, 2020

This notice would only be sent to older Stripe accounts, like ours, that were created when the charge identifier was a shorter minimum length.

Stripe charge identifiers are stored in the custom table wp_pmpro_memberships_orders (or similar depending on your WordPress site’s database prefix). We’ve confirmed that the column for this field already supports up to 32 characters.

So to be clear, users of Paid Memberships Pro do not have to take any action to support this increased character limit.

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