You’re constantly improving your membership site features – now it’s time to let your expired members know about all the new stuff they are missing! Here are a few methods to sweeten the deal and give expired and “old” members a monetary incentive to renew.

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Code Recipe #1 – Automatic Resubscribe Discount for Expired Members

This recipe sets an automatic discount for a returning member who has let their membership expire. There are many ways to customize this example – but for this case it gives a 50% discount on the initial payment when an expired member purchases the same level previously held.

Copy and paste this code recipe into a helper PMPro Customizations plugin. Customize line 9 to your specific discount.

Code Recipe #2 – Set a Discount Code for “Old Members” Only

This recipe allows you define a discount code for old members – and excludes someone who has cancelled, has an active membership or has never been a member from taking advantage of the discount.

Setting your discount is a bit simpler with this method (it uses the familiar Memberships > Discount Codes admin page to modify the price an “old member” pays to come back without too much coding). The discount code is automatically applied at checkout for a member that fits the “old member” criteria. Optionally use the shortcode [oudc] to show a link to membership checkout with the code applied. Just update line 50 with your specific level ID and messaging.

Copy and paste this code recipe into a helper PMPro Customizations plugin. Update line 5 to your specific discount code.

Now, tell your expired members about the deal!

Export a CSV list of expired members via the Memberships > Members List admin page. You can email this list directly through your business email account via BCC.

Or, if you are using an email marketing service like MailChimp, I’d suggest importing the list to that service with a custom field “Expired” set to “Yes”. Then you can segment the group and target them individually with your promotion.

Want a different type of discount or promotion for expired members?

Open a ticket in our member support area for help customizing your unique renewal pricing, such as:

  • A different discount percentage;
  • A fixed dollar amount adjustment;
  • A discount on the recurring portion;
  • A discount that only applies to a specific membership level(s);
  • A discount for an expired member on upgrade to another level.

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