If you’re using bbPress for your membership site, the code recipes below are designed to streamline the member’s various profile/account pages into one primary dashboard: the forum user profile (located at /forums/users/nicename
This recipe will redirect the specified “Membership Account” page to the bbPress Profile for your member. A recipe is also included to insert the pmpro_account shortcode before other default content in the “Profile” tab of this page. You can use the base shortcode pmpro_account OR specify sections to display using the “sections” attribute of the shortcode.

The Code Recipe: Membership Account Page Redirect
Copy and paste this code recipe into a helper PMPro Customizations plugin.

The Code Recipe: bbPress Profile with Membership Account Shortcode
Copy and paste this code recipe into a helper PMPro Customizations plugin. Update line 6 to specify the “sections” attribute of this shortcode if desired.