
AffiliateWP will automatically generate referral records when a customer successfully registers for your site after clicking on a referral link. The Paid Memberships Pro integration is built in to the core plugin.


Paid Memberships Pro offers a native app for Zapier, a third-party service to connect your apps and automate workflows.

In this guide, we explain how to create Zaps with our app, how to authenticate your site with Zapier, and the available triggers and actions you can use to automate your WordPress membership site.

Use CSS to Hide an Empty Column on pmpro_levels page: No Recurring Payment

If you are using the default pmpro_levels shortcode on your Membership Levels page – depending on your pricing you may have an empty column under the “Subscription Information” or “Initial Payment” heading. CSS to the rescue! Here’s a block of code that can be used to hide the “Subscription Information” column (useful if all of...


Stripe is a payment service that operates as both a Payment Gateway and Merchant Account. In practice, this means that setting up an account with Stripe is fast and easy.

This documentation area covers basic Stripe information and settings. We also have a guide on troubleshooting a few common issues with Stripe that can happen at Membership Checkout.

In this guide: Currencies | Countries | Fees | Gateway Setup | Stripe Connect Setup | Webhook Setup | Apple Pay & Google Pay Setup | Live or Test Mode Settings | Stripe Checkout | Stripe API Version | Subscription Updates

Privacy Policy

This is the web site of
Updated: April 10, 2019
Our postal address is: PO Box 4515, Reading, PA 19606
We can be reached via our contact form.

Subscription Delays

Set a variable-length period between checkout and the first recurring subscription payment with a customizable delay setting for membership levels and discount codes.

Frontend Plugin Page Blocks

Paid Memberships Pro supports the WordPress Block Editor with 15 blocks included in the core plugin. We’re also extending Add Ons where a Block would make sense. Explore how these blocks will make it easier to design and manage your WordPress Membership Site.

How to Resend PayPal IPN History

Are experiencing issues with recurring orders or other updates not being reflected on your membership site? This problem is most commonly caused by a problem with PayPal’s Instant Payment Notification (IPN) system.

First, you need to work through our troubleshooting guide on how to resolve IPN issues. Then, you need to repair missing data in your membership site. This guide shows you how to resend PayPal PayPal IPN to update your site’s orders and memberships.

Sell Access to a Single Post Category Using the Addon Packages Plugin

The code recipe below synchronizes membership access to a single post category when the member purchases an Addon Package. Note that this only allows for a one-time payment, not a recurring subscription.

This method is covered in our Multiple Membership Levels Per User: The Workarounds post.

Staging or Development Sites

A staging site or development site is a non-public version of the code that powers your live membership site. Your membership’s staging or dev site, if set up properly, will allow you to add and test new features before releasing them on your live site.

Build a Side Hustle Membership Site

The world can’t stop talking about recurring revenue—but what does it really take to build a side hustle membership site that helps you get paid?

In this article, we explore what it means to build a side hustle to achieve your financial goals through a recurring revenue membership site. Keep reading to learn our top 10 tips to get started, including an interactive micro course video and supporting downloadable worksheets.

Send Members an Additional Invoice via Email after Membership Checkout

Paid Memberships Pro emails a membership invoice for all recurring or renewing membership subscriptions. This email is not sent after the initial membership checkout because all of the relevant invoice details are included in the Membership Confirmation email. If you’ve customized the Confirmation email and removed invoice details, you may want to send a separate…


Braintree is a full-stack payments platform that makes it easy to accept payments on your website. Our Braintree integration supports one-time and recurring billing options.

WordPress Membership Plugin

The Most Complete WordPress Membership Plugin Restrict content, and manage member subscriptions with recurring payments, user registration, custom profile fields, and robust member management. Built for your unique membership site. PMPro supports any kind of member-focused business or organization. Launched in 2011, we have over 12 years of experience working with creators like you. PMPro (more…)

Automatically Cancel Membership After Failed Payment

A healthy membership site means that your gateway and your membership site orders are in perfect sync. Every payment received through the gateway is communicated to the membership site, and all members have accounts in good standing.

This guide will explain how a properly configured PMPro site will retry payments, then automatically cancel membership after failed payment.

Add PayPal Express Option at Checkout

Appeal to the highest number of potential customers by offering PayPal Express as a secondary payment option in addition to your onsite credit card payment gateway.

How to Pause Subscriptions at the Gateway and Skip Membership Payments

Pausing is a method to temporarily skip subscription payments for a member. Instead of cancelling a member’s account, you may think how great it would be to set temporary or open ended ‘hold’ on all recurring payments.

This article is designed to help anyone running a subscription business get a clear understanding of the work involved in allowing one or more members to pause subscription payments to you.

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10 Popular Pricing Models for Membership Sites

As you begin to build a membership or subscription business online, one of the first decisions you need to consider is pricing. More specifically, what type of pricing model do you want to use for your business?

This post aims to cover the most popular pricing models for membership-type businesses.

Group Accounts

Sell group memberships to corporate organizations, families, teams, or any group of people where one member pays for a collection of people to access your content individually.


This document will discuss how we handle security while developing and maintaining Paid Memberships Pro and its related Add Ons. There are many things you can do to keep your WordPress site secure, but this document is focused solely on our development practices, how to notify us of a security vulnerability, and other frequently asked questions about our security processes.


A subscription is an agreement with a customer to make payments at set intervals. A subscription is usually associated with a membership, though they are not the same thing.

Subscriptions manage payments, whereas memberships manage the member’s access to restricted content.


Allow customers to set an additional donation amount at checkout.

Why a Valid Credit Card Might be Rejected at Membership Checkout or Membership Renewal

We occasionally hear that a customer cannot complete checkout on their site using a valid credit card. The card is declined at checkout, or the card is declined when a recurring payment is processed. In some cases, the site owner can process the card directly through the virtual terminal, so its clear the card is valid. So why is the payment gateway rejecting the card?